The modern database for the sports club.

D a t a b a s e s

A database contains a row of data which are collected under a certain point of view and which are connected everybody with each other. A database is a structure for the administration of such data and for the sensible query of information. It offers the possibility to grasp data and to save. Names, addresses, birthdays and bank accounts are typical examples of data which a user wants to save and retrieve when required again. Data appear as a text, as figures, as data entries, time entries or currency entries and in other forms.

The strength of VVwin database program consists in the fact that it is strictly relational. This means that data are never again to be entered as once and that these stand only at a place in the database. They can step with other saved data in interaction. Thus member's information, in the second fee information and in a third one the payment inputs is saved, e.g., at a place. Now one can put together queries in such a way that responses can be given by the combined information.

   "When Ted Codd with his team relational database developed, he had in mind first to take the Usuability of databases from the hands of the IT experts to give them to those in the hand which they really need: Scientist, manager and administrative assistants. In addition he introduced with SQL a query language with which every any user had at disposal a syntax borrowed to the English to formulate even the most complicated queries.
   To be able to use a ”prerelational“ database, one had to know a lot not only about the cryptic imperatives of these systems, but also in mostly the very much complicated, hierarchical tree structures of her construction. Relational systems are differently organised: The order of the data is created here only during the query. At the moment of the storage the data camp down rather untidily as meaningless entities in the tables. Now with SQL one can determine which data record, infers with which property, filtered should become display by which restriction in which format. The order and with it the meaning generation emancipates itself from the time of the storage and is available at the moment to the query completely.
   This return of the interpretation power transforms a data record in more than one aggregation of character. A data record becomes an in direction infinite possibility field of new combinations with other records."
   Michael Seemann, Vom unvermeidlichen Kontrollverlust im Web 2.0, c't 14/2010, S. 114

T a b l e s

Data are saved in tables. Every table contains information to a certain object. Every table has a name. The database Verein contains, for example, the table midat with member's data and the table fidat with booking entry data.

The information in a table is defeated everybody of the same structure. Within tables data are saved in columns and lines.

Everybody column, called also field, is associated a certain property of the object or event. Every column has a name. Thus includes, for example, the column mnam1 (surname) and the column mnr (member number).

A line, called also data record, exists of a cross section by the columns which apply for a certain element of a table. Or: Every line is a set from data whose single parts are saved in a column in each case. A table can contain hundreds of lines. Thus, for example, every club member is displayed in the table midat as a line.

Lines as well as columns can be ordered in the memory of the computer just as one likes and be sorted and data in any manner be selected. Besides, indicated columns are used to the quicker search and assortment.

V i e w s

Though the table is the fundamental unit of a database, but now and then it can be advantageous to have at the same time idea of several tables. For this purpose there are the views. A view is a sort of pseudo table. It looks exact on the display like a table, however, is only one table facade.

Views are temporary tables which indicate the whole or partial contents of one or several tables. The database Verein contains, for example, a view mibtrv0 with to be paid to membership fees. It combines columns from the tables midat (member's data) and stbtr0 (fee stock). In this case the common or reference column with which both tables are connected and which must have every View is b0, fee code.

The advantages of the views lie in the fact that the same data must not be saved in more than one table that data from several tables can be combined and that really all data can be reached by suitable shortcuts of the tables. Each time you use the view, R:BASE reconstructs it new. The views are put on in VVwin not on the hard disk, but in the memory! This saves time and hard disk space.

I n p u t   f o r m s

Forms are structured display plans which serve for the data entry within a database. Input forms are the most common form of the data entry. Every field on a form is associated to a certain column of a data line from a certain table. Because every field has own naming like in a form, the form leads with the input, so that the desired data reach in the correct column.

With a form for the query of data the information contained in the database on the display can be indicated and be edited. Thus, for example, the form with the name veda serves for the edit of the data for club stock.

O u t p u t   l i s t s

Lists or reports are printed overviews of the data. This is the usual kind to filter out data from a database. One uses output lists to gather data, to order clear them, to make calculations and to illustrate connections.

Reports can contain data from one or several tables or views; all suitable data are able to do this or it can be a choice. Thus, for example, the report with the name kten serves for the output of account report with the data lines of the table fidat with which the field kon a certain value has.

C h o i c e   m e n u s

The program flow is controled about choice menus. These are options which fulfil certain duties. The menu structure allows to move step by step to the desired item of the program.

The main menu displays the 1st menu step. It is a beam menu with several options. These further go to cascade menus.

The cascade menus display the 2nd menu step. The single cascade menus are indicated under the positions of the main menu (sucked. Pull-down menu) if the concerning option is highlighted (clicked).


If an element of the cascade menu is clicked, the program executes this option. The options by which even other selections must be met are marked with a double arrow (»). In some cases it is indicated by dots (...) in the menu that by call of the option a request appears to enter required information.

A p p l i c a t i o n s

An application is a computer-controlled system for the processing of the data. For example, the application Verein the user can lead by the duties with which member's data on the newest one are stood firm, voucher lists are printed and questions to the fee state with the help of a database are answered.

An application exists of a row of menus and commands by which one can access directly a database. In certain manner a database by the application receives a sort of own way of life. It looks almost like own program, but in reality makes the database program behind the scenery the real work.

Applications are combinations of command blocks and menu blocks which fulfil together the demands of the user.

A command block is a sequence of instructions by which the program fulfils certain duties. It must own a logical program flow and a logical structure. Program flow and program architecture define the duties which are executed with the program. In VVwin Club Management these are removed in a file with the ending .app. The apx file is the executable (compiled) version of the app.

A menu block contains the description of a menu which should be used in the application. The option selected from the menu executes the respective job for which it is fixed. In VVwin Club Management these are summarised into own files with the ending .rba and .rff.

Features of R:BASE®


R:BASE is designed much like the powerhouse database management system of the mainframe and mid-range computer world, yet with a focus on putting that kind of power into the hands of the everyday business user.


Adhering Dr. Codd's relational model, the R:BASE Data Designer offers robust management of tables, columns, keys, indexes, rules, and triggers.


The Query Builder and Query Wizard are two SQL query building utilities that allow the retrieval of data from tables and views, with enhanced support for INNER JOINS and OUTER JOINS.

Stored Procedures

Storing R:BASE/SQL frequently used routines in the database with Stored Procedures provides ease of maintenance for database professionals.


By offering over 95 controls and virtually unlimited layouts with the support of external themes, the Form Designer gives users power and flexibility in object oriented form design.


With 21 different output options, and versatile controls like sub-reports, 2D bar codes, rich text and images, the Report Designer is one of the most powerful features in R:BASE.


With a large variety of label templates and the same controls as the Report Designer, label management is fast and easy.

R> Prompt

The R> Prompt allows for fast execution and testing of R:BASE and SQL commands, with the entire database literally at your fingertips.

Code Lock

The Codelock module allows the developer to encrypt command files into binary command, screen, menu, and procedure files which R:BASE can execute without the user being able to decrypt the code.

External Forms

External Forms include nearly every feature of the Form Designer, only offering portability by being separate from the database files.


The many features in the Application Designer allow users to create and gather data management tasks to easily use a custom menu system with no programming code.

Command Files

With the powerful command file editor, trace debugger, syntax checker, and other utilities, the complexities of writing application code are diminished.

File Gateway

The File Gateway utility contains many powerful features to allow the importing and exporting of data, supporting many file formats.


© Dr. Hartmut Braun, Karlsruhe

 Club Management

T h e  S o f t w a r e